These are hibiscus flowers in the garden of the International Graduate School where I am applying for a master's degree this summer. I was a student here in 2001-2003. And it's good to be back!
In my 2 days of visit this week, I met old and new friends. They come from different countries and nationalities. But one thing they have in common; they're all beautiful people! And I know why. The school environment in general is a garden which soil is rich and cultivated. The faculty and staff are dedicated heart-gardeners, watering students lives, pulling out weeds of lies and ignorance from their hearts and minds, and guarding them from pests of discouragements and despair. They are all fertilized with love and care.
I was at the Scholarship Department yesterday and this what I saw on the wall: "Our mission is to keep our students ALIVE AND WELL so that they will be successful in their studies at (name of school)."
I'm excited to be back in this beautiful garden even for only 2 months because I know and I have seen students who come from this garden continue to bloom wherever soil they are transplanted. They always keep learning and growing.